Checklist for Course Information / Description (Barker 2016)

  • Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) that are clearly stated, appropriate, demonstrable and achievable.
  • Curriculum that is current, complete, appropriate to the program objectives, and authorized by content area experts.
  • Teaching materials that are current, appropriate to the intended learners, accurate and authorized by curriculum committees.
  • Teaching methods that are discipline-appropriate, varied, engaging for students and including appropriate Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)
  • Assessment of learning that is linked to ILO, formative, timely, and authentic.
  • Evaluation of achievement that is linked to program objectives, summative, objective and systematic.
  • Teaching technologies and facilities that are appropriate, complete, safe and secure, and engaging for students.
  • For appropriate core and auxiliary staff, appropriate numbers with appropriate qualifications and experience, and candidates and/or appointments.
  • Course rigor with stated credit, difficulty level, content complexity, and program placement associated with the type/level of qualification to be awarded.
  • Admission procedures that include stated prerequisites/co-requisites, prior learning assessment options, follow-on courses, and potential learning pathways.
  • A Course Syllabus, for students and faculty, that is complete, current, accurate and useful.
  • Clear statements of alignment between the ILO and each of the following: curriculum content, teaching methods and materials, assessment methods, and program objectives.
  • Evidence that the course is Acceptable, Appropriate, Viable, Valid and Suitable.